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The music performed at your engagement will create an elegant atmosphere for any occasion. The diverse repertoire of our accomplished musicians will provide a touch of class to any event. We can perform for your event in just about any location. Our performers opened a new office in the fall of 2001, next to Kyrou Tailoring. And Wonderful Weddings and Events. Fort Wayne, IN 46815.
263 West 38th street, suite 15e New York, NY 10018.
Men and women, indulge yourself with a custom made suit today! We will help you look and feel good in your clothing. Look distinguished as you clean, alter, or remodel your leather. Military, scout, school or work uniforms are all taken care of at Kyrou Tailoring. Brides, grooms, and the wedding party can be assisted at Kyrou Tailoring. Touch up your clothing for the prom, wedding, or any other special occasion. Wedding - Clean and Preserve. Your Gown Could Last a Lifetime with Preservation! We are conve.
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